Burn Ban Issued for Wapello County

City Projects

Active Projects

Asphalt Overlay Project

This project is the annual Asphalt Overlay Project. Selected streets are milled, then overlaid with HMA.

Blake’s Branch Sewer Separation Project

Phase 8 of Ottumwa’s ongoing sewer separation work will separate storm and sanitary sewers in the Blake’s Branch drainage basin. This basin covers over 1700 acres on the north and east sides of town. The work is being divided into several divisions. The first division, from the Elm Street Pump Station to Birch Street, is currently under design. Work will commence on this division Spring 2020 and is expected to be complete in the fall of 2021.

Sidewalk Drop Program

This is the annual sidewalk drop program. The program implements the installation of ADA approved sidewalks at street crossings.

Ward Street Bridge Improvements

Improvements include replacing the bridge over the Jefferson Drainage Ditch on Ward Street with a twin 10’x6’ reinforced concrete box culvert. Additional work will include replacing a sanitary sewer manhole, lowering water main and rerouting storm sewer to outlet into the culvert. Project is expected to begin in Spring 2020 and be completed by the end of the summer 2020.

Upcoming Projects

Annual Catch Basin Replacement Project

Annual Sanitary Utility Access Project

Annual Street Crack Sealing Program

Cooper Street Reconstruction

Elm Street Reconstruction

Mary Street Reconstruction

Completed Projects

Beach Ottumwa

The Beach Ottumwa is midway through the last and final phase of the $2.8 million renovations. The final phase involves design and administration of approximately 15 contracts involving storm sewer improvements, repainting of the slide structures, and installation of new shade structures just to note a few of the significant contracts. All work is scheduled to be complete by May 15, 2020.

Downtown Streetscape Project

The project consists of reconstructing the 100, 200 and 300 blocks of Main Street from the intersections Court Street to Jefferson Street, including replacement of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water mains, street lighting, plantings, bioretention cells, permeable pavers, site furnishings and upgrades to pavement and surface amenities. The project began in May of 2019 with completion anticipated by November 2020.

East Main Street Reconstruction

This project consisted of reconstruction of approximately 1,900 LF of East Main Street from Jefferson to Vine. This project includes replacement of sidewalks to ADA standards, storm and sanitary sewer improvements, and water main replacement. This project is substantially complete with finalizing detail work to occur in Spring 2020.

Marion Street Reconstruction

Milner Street Reconstruction

Reconstruct approximately 3,600 LF of Milner Street from Mary Street to Burrhus Street. The reconstruction includes removal of existing pavement, 6” of subgrade preparation, 6” of modified subbase, and 8” of new PCC Pavement. Ancillary work includes; longitudinal subdrains, new water main, compaction testing, driveways, survey, erosion control, and site restoration. Construction is expected to begin by May 4, 2020 and be completed by the end of the 2021 construction season.

North Jefferson Reconstruction

This project consisted of full width full depth reconstruction of Jefferson Street from Sixth Street north to approximately 175 feet south of Gara Street. The project included the installation of sanitary, storm and water mains. This project is substantially complete with finalizing detail work to occur in Spring 2020.

Ottumwa Street Reconstruction

This project consisted of full width, full depth concrete reconstruction from West Fourth Street to approximately 300 feet east. This project consists of 430’ of Full Depth, Full Width, PCC Reconstruction including water main replacement and relocation. The project includes the installation of four intakes and a separate storm line that will connect into the Phase IV sewer project. This section of Ottumwa Street is the primary access to the Washington Apartment Complex. The project is scheduled to begin August 24th and will be constructed in two phases. Weather permitting, we anticipate the project to be wrapped up by the end of October 2020. DC Construction will be performing the work. The developer for Washington Apartments (TWG Development) has contributed $45,000 for reconstruction. Ottumwa Water Works will reimburse the City for the cost of water main installation.

Woodland Avenue Reconstruction

This project consisted of full width full depth reconstruction of East Woodland Avenue from North Court Street to Green Street. The project included the installation of sanitary, storm and water mains. Project is expected to begin in Spring 2020 and be completed by the end of 2021.
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