Burn Ban Issued for Wapello County

City Clerk

The City Clerk's office maintains city records and performs other duties prescribed by state and/or city law. These records include all council proceedings, resolutions, ordinances, council minutes, and documents relating to real property transactions. The position of city clerk is appointed by the city council in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 372.13 ยง3.
Chris Reinhard City Clerk
(641) 683-0620
Email Chris Reinhard

From our City Clerk Chris Reinhard: I am excited to share with everyone that starting with our next City Council Meeting on June 18, 2019, all packets and minutes will be accessible through our City Website (housed and powered by Neapolitan Labs) and not through the Box portal.  I am not changing anything within the process of Agenda/Staff Summary distribution for City Council and/or City Staff – this process will remain unchanged; but you will no longer need to log into Box to access the full packets and minutes moving forward.

You can actually view all City Council packets and minutes for 2019 on our website now!  The module is active and very user friendly.  Please go to our website:  www.cityofottumwa.com and hover over Government at the top of the page.  Select Council Meetings from the drop down option and you are there.  Meetings will be listed from newest (top) to oldest (bottom).  With this launch, our goal is to transition everyone to use the website as the main hub for information.

The Box portal will still be active as it will house all archived documents prior to January 2019.  You will still be able to view, download, print any/all documents from Box as needed, but will be directed to www.cityofottumwa.com for anything dated January 2019 and newer.

Please contact me directly should you have any questions about this process.


The City Clerk prepares the Council agendas and information provided by City department heads, the City Administrator, City Council, and Mayor. The clerk also prepares agendas, transcribes minutes, and retains records for the Ottumwa Civil Service Commission and Ottumwa Board of Health. The City Clerk's office supervises the regulation and issuance of various required city licenses and permits and maintains a register of said licenses as required by the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ottumwa, Iowa.

Public Records

Licenses and Permits

City Elections

City elections for Mayor and City Council seats are held on odd-numbered years. Candidates for these elective offices can find important information about running for office at the Iowa Secretary of State's website. Voters may want to see the three year election calendar.

City Code

Ottumwa's Municipal Code can be found online, in a fully-searchable site.

Background Investigations


News from City Clerk

Contact Information

City Hall
105 E. Third St.
Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
(641) 683-0621
Fax: (641) 683-0613

Office Hours
M - F, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Map to City Clerk

©2025 City of Ottumwa