Burn Ban Issued for Wapello County

Deer Management

The purpose of this program is to manage the deer herd within the city limits of Ottumwa. This helps reduce the instances of property damage and vehicle accidents caused by deer. Since 2005, hundreds of deer have been safely harvested from within the city limits. Removing female deer from the herd helps stabilize the population; a critical part of successful deer herd management. If does are not removed, a deer population has the potential to double in size every year.

For more information, contact Lt. Jason Bell, Ottumwa Police Department at 641.683.0661 or bellj@ottumwa.us

Ottumwa Police Department

Ottumwa Deer Harvest Program

Rules & Regulations

Ottumwa’s 2024/2025 deer season dates are:

September 21, 2024-January 10, 2025

The purpose of this program is to SAFELY reduce the deer population within the city limits of Ottumwa. The Ottumwa Deer Harvest program is a privilege granted by the City of Ottumwa and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the purposes of safely managing the deer herd within the City of Ottumwa. The privilege of participating in this program is extended by the City of Ottumwa and can be suspended or revoked at any time for violations of fish and game laws set forth by the State of Iowa, rules established specifically for this program, and crimes committed against the City of Ottumwa. Crimes against the city of Ottumwa are defined by city code and include but are not limited to; disorderly conduct, trespass, harassment of a public official, interference with official acts, assault on a Police Officer, criminal mischief, and theft (see sub paragraph #20 for further details in regards to suspension/revocation of city hunting privileges). A copy of the Iowa DNR 2024-25 Iowa Hunting, Trapping & Migratory Game Bird Regulations guide can be found here

The below listed paragraphs will outline the rules and regulations specific to this program.

1. Each hunter must possess a State of Iowa hunting license and a City of Ottumwa deer hunting permit. In order for the permit to be issued, the hunter must agree to abide by the following rules and regulations. Non-compliance with these rules is a violation of Ottumwa City Code.

2. The City of Ottumwa Deer Harvest Program is limited to BOW HUNTING ONLY! Firearms are strictly prohibited.

3. Each hunter must pass an annual archery shooting proficiency test. The test consists of eight (8) out of ten (10) shots at an 8-inch diameter target placed at twenty (20) yards away. Proof of completed test must be presented with the permit application. Testing will be completed at Whitetail Archery in Agency, Iowa. Proficiency tests from other participating Iowa Cities will be accepted. Hunters must pass the proficiency test with the bow they intend to use while participating in the program. A maximum of three (3) attempts will be allowed in order to qualify. Additionally, a hunter may only attempt to qualify one (1) time during a twenty four (24) hour time period.

4. The hunter agrees to comply with all Iowa DNR rules regulating archery hunting of deer. Ottumwa permits are only good within the city limits of Ottumwa.

5. Safety is our foremost concern. Hunters MUST ensure that all shots are made carefully and safely.

6. The hunter agrees to maintain a minimum distance of 150 feet from any occupied buildings, 150 feet from any property owned by the Ottumwa School District, 75 feet from any unoccupied buildings, and 75 feet from any street or trail, unless permission is granted from a property owner. Hunters may hunt the property lines (except property owned by the school district) but may not shoot across the property line without permission of the adjacent property owner.

7. To maximize safety, hunters are encouraged to take shots of twenty five (25) yards or less from an elevated position.

8. Upon harvesting a deer, the hunter SHALL report the following information to the City of Ottumwa: date, time, and place of deer harvested, number of arrows shot, and any complaints received from citizens or landowners.

9. Deer are to be checked in at the Ottumwa Fire Station (north) from 7:00am-10:00pm. If no personnel are available at the fire station, check in the deer at the Ottumwa Police Department (330 W. Second St.). All doe’s and button bucks checked in will be marked with orange spray paint. All deer harvested in the city must be reported to the Iowa DNR through their harvest reporting system. Failure to do so could result in a fine and suspension/revocation of your city deer harvest program privileges.

10. Hunters must obtain an Iowa DNR Ottumwa deer tag from the Wapello County Recorder’s Office. The recorder’s office will be selling ALL tags including incentive buck tags. These tags are only valid within the City limits of Ottumwa.

11. Only portable tree stands may be used on city property and property not owned by the hunter, unless permission is granted by the owner. Ground blinds are not allowed on city property. Screw in tree steps, and any device designed to be inserted into the tree for any purpose are also strictly prohibited on City property.

12. Hunters MUST obtain permission from property owners before hunting on private land. Anyone hunting on private property without permission is trespassing and subject to criminal charges.

13. Hunters on private property must abide by the rules of the property owner in addition to the Iowa DNR rules.

14. Field dressing deer on city property is not allowed. Hunters on private property who wish to field dress deer must obtain permission from the respective land owner to do so.

15. Deer must be covered or enclosed when transporting. Any problems with locating wounded deer should be reported to the Police Department Sergeant in charge of the Deer Harvest Program. (See sub-paragraph 22).

16. No baiting, driving, or stalking of deer is allowed.

17. ARROW IDENTIFICATION: Each registered hunter will be issued a number for the purposes of tracking the ownership of un-recovered deer and investigating any complaints. These numbers will be written and clearly visible on every arrow used in the city of Ottumwa. Hunters may mark their arrows on either the fletching or the shaft. The numbers shall be written with a permanent marker in color that can be seen. If you have previously been issued a number, let the records clerk know your number if you wish to reuse it.

18. City property available for hunting, and their boundaries include:

  1. a. Wildwood Park, south of the Kettle Creek Bridge, west of the Frisbee golf hole #2 to the property line, signs will be posted. Hunting will be allowed after November 1st during state regulated hunting times ( ½  hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset) No hunting in September or October. Hunters MUST locate their stands a safe distance from the roadway and Frisbee golf hole #2. Hunters should refrain from removing animals in the presence of children or by-standers.
  3. b. Ottumwa cemeteries- Only with the permission and under the direction of the superintendent. Contact 641-683-0687 or 641-680-1522.
  5. c. Other City Owned Property: Contact the Ottumwa Police Department city deer hunt liaison 641-683-0661

19. SAFETY HARNESS REQUIREMENT.  All hunters hunting on City owned property are     REQUIRED to utilize a Fall-Arrest System (FAS)/Full Body Harness meeting TMA Standards when hunting from a tree or tree stand. The hunter’s safety harness shall be attached to the tree in a manner that will prevent a hunter from falling to the ground after it is secured.

***It is RECOMMENDED that ALL hunters utilize a safety harness while hunting from a treestand. Additionally, it is recommended that hunters utilize a “safeline” allowing them to safely ascend and descend from a tree or tree stand and always be attached in a manner that will not allow them to fall to the ground.

20. Upon violation of the laws or rules outlined in this document your privilege of participating in this program will be suspended. Upon conviction of any violations committed, your privilege to participate will be revoked for a period of five (5) years. (Note: Hunters are only allowed to shoot at DEER while participating in this program while hunting inside of the City limits)

21. All notifications of suspensions and revocations will be issued in writing and mailed to the last known address listed on the hunter’s registration form.

22. Any problems or questions should be directed to Lt. Jason Bell, Ottumwa Police Department at 641-683-0661. If Lt. Bell is not available, he can be reached by email at bellj@ottumwa.us or you can ask the dispatcher to leave a message in regards to your question/concern. In case of an emergency and Lt. Bell is not available, ask the dispatcher to speak to the on duty supervisor.

Find information about the Hunter Incentive Program HERE.

For More Information

Ottumwa Police Department
330 W. Second St.
Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
(641) 683-0661

Department Website

Map to Ottumwa Police Department

©2025 City of Ottumwa