Burn Ban Issued for Wapello County

Snow Removal

Clearing snow from winter storms is a big operation. The City has a fleet of snow plows ready to roll with big blades plus salt and sand spreaders on the back.

In addition, we utilize pickup trucks equipped with snow blades for clearing smaller areas and tight places where the big plow trucks can't go. The Parks Department has a tractor and several snow blowers for clearing bridge walkways, paved trails, and park access roads.

We closely monitor the weather through the winter, and when snow is in the forecast, we begin preparations for clean up. Plow trucks are prepared for service and personnel are notified of the pending storm.

When a major snow hits, our primary focus is keeping the major routes through town open. This allows essential and emergency travel around town even in the worst of conditions. Our crews keep working through the duration of the storm. When a plow driver pulls into the Central Garage for a shift change or break, mechanics are on hand to quickly service the equipment and get it ready to head back out.

With this major effort going into keeping the snow routes open, we don’t work much on the side streets and residential areas until the snow quits falling. But once the snow stops, we consistently have the majority of Ottumwa's streets cleared within 24 hours.   Every winter storm is different, and often we face unique challenges with each one, but we are proud of the work we do to keep Ottumwa's streets clear.

During a snow or ice storm, our major snow plowing priorities:

  1. Major routes through town - known as "snow routes" (more below)
  2. Intersections and bridges
  3. Side streets and residential areas
  4. Alleys and access roads
    * medical and public safety emergencies always get first priority

Snow Emergency Code / Snow Ordinance

The City of Ottumwa has a snow emergency code, which designates certain streets as snow emergency routes, listed below. When the weather conditions warrant, the City Engineer/Public Works Director shall declare a "snow emergency." The declaration will be announced between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. and goes into effect two hours after the announcement. Persons parking in retail shopping areas will be given extra time to finish business, if necessary.

Once in effect, there will be no parking allowed on either side of the snow routes until the emergency is lifted.  Parking on non-snow emergency routes where vehicles are allowed to park on both sides or just one side of the street, the following parking policy will be as follows:

Stalled or illegally parked vehicles during snow emergencies may be towed and impounded by the Police Department, and a citation will be issued and fee charged for towing/impoundment.

Map of Emergency Snow Routes

Streets Desginated as Snow Routes

For More Information

Public Works
550 Gateway Dr.
Ottumwa, Iowa 52501
(641) 684-2180

Department Website

Map to Public Works

©2025 City of Ottumwa