Burn Ban Issued for Wapello County

Grant Funding For Ottumwa Fire Department

posted October 13, 2022

The Ottumwa Fire Department recently received grant funding from the local fire protection and emergency medical service providers grant program, which is established by the State Fire Marshal. The grant program is funded with moneys from the consumer fireworks fee fund, which are not needed by the state fire marshal to fulfill other responsibilities. The funds were used to purchase Freddie the Fire Truck from Robotronics for $11,538.00.

Freddie has had a busy first week on the job, as it is Fire Prevention Week. Freddie has been visiting the local elementary schools helping firefighters spread this year’s fire safety message “Fire won't wait. Plan your escape.” If your child comes home saying the fire department said I need to check to see if my window opens, then they are doing what we asked!

The Ottumwa Fire Department would like to thank the Iowa State Fire Marshal’s office and State Fire Marshal Dan Wood for their continued support of the Ottumwa Fire Departments fire prevention program.

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