Burn Ban Issued for Wapello County

Snow Emergency Declared - Effective February 12, 2025, at Noon

posted February 11, 2025

The City of Ottumwa’s Snow Emergency Ordinance will be placed into effect beginning at noon Wednesday, February 12. The ordinance is being put into effect due to the Winter Storm Warning issued by the National Weather Service. The Winter Storm Warning is in effect from 12:00 a.m. Wednesday, February 12 to 12:00 a.m. Thursday, February 13. Another notice will be given when the snow emergency has lifted.


With the Snow Emergency Ordinance in effect, parking is prohibited on either side of roads designated as snow routes. These can be identified with a small blue sign with a white snowflake. On other roads, parking is allowed on the even side of the street during even days of the month and the odd side of the street during odd days of the month. Drivers can begin moving vehicles after 7:00 p.m. in preparation for the next day. Stalled or illegally parked vehicles during snow emergencies may be towed and impounded by the Police Department, and a citation will be issued along with a fee charged for towing/impoundment. Full details, along with a map of the snow routes, can be found on the City of Ottumwa website at https://www.ottumwa.us/departments/public_works/snow_removal/

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